Upfit - The Outdoor Office

Upfit - The Outdoor Office

New elements have been added to the Upfit Shelter to adapt to the current climate. The customisable shelter has many components that allow for individuality. It fits into the space you have and the fulfils a large range of requirements. Upfit has a steel structure that forms the canvas with different roof options to meet your location, different side panels from louvered slats, to coloured glass even green walls, that utilise climbing plants. Standing or dining height tables, whiteboard panels, vertical cycle racks and lighting can all be included as part of the overall structure design. 

The new features have been added to meet the demands of the market. With the whole world on lockdown for the majority of 2020, Landscape Forms have developed the Upfit to encompass our changing lifestyles. 

  • Sliding louvered doors offer security and privacy whilst still allowing airflow and natural light. 
  • Stylish shelving fitted to the louvered panels provide a unique storage option.
  • Seating that's securely fixed to the side panels.
  • More combinations to find the perfect fit!

Upfit is a great way to emulate an indoor space outside. Create outdoor offices that retain colleague collaboration but at a distance. Arrange an outdoor dining area that is an extension of a cafe or restaurant. Construct a cycle parking shelter. Design an outdoor classroom that improves student engagement. Design a recuperation space that incorporates nature for healthcare facilities. 

View Upfit Shelter.

Get in touch with our team on 0800 542 8118

or email enquiries@arformurban.co.uk 

Artform Urban Furniture is part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group a privately owned collection of individual companies serving the construction sector, providing a wide range of street furniture, playground elements and associated services to the public realm, commercial and educational schemes throughout the UK.

Find out more here www.bsfg.co.uk

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Part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group

Bailey Street Furniture Group
Artform Urban Furniture | Adlington Business Park | London Road | Adlington | Cheshire | SK10 4NL
Tel: 0800 542 8118 | Int: +44 (0)1625 877554 | enquiries@artformurban.co.uk
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